Table of Contents (དཀར་ཆག dkar chag)

  • Introduction
  • Process
  • Components
  • Operators
  • Refinments
  • Goals
  • Runtime Languages
  • Higher Languages
  • Total Verification of Mathematics

1. Introduction (ངོ་སྤྲོད ngo sprod)

The AXIO/1 Framework is a layered system for infinite reasoning, structured into:

  • Runtime Languages: Execute computations and manage concurrency.
  • Higher Languages: Handle theorem proving and formal verification.

This framework operates as a cyclic, iterative system for formal reasoning, where an operator (human, AI, or hybrid) directs a process that continuously refines itself.

2. Process (ལས་ཀ las ka)

AXIO/1 follows a structured flow:

  1. Conditions: Foundational elements (Axioms, Definitions, Types, Propositions, Syntax).
  2. Environment: The structured setting (Model, Consistency, Completeness, Library).
  3. Thinking: Reasoning mechanisms (Hypotheses, Computation, Deduction, Conjecture, Inference Rules, General Induction).
  4. Fruit: Logical results (Proof, Judgment, Theorem).
  5. Insight: Higher-level understanding (Semantics, Categorical Frameworks, Abstraction).

3. Components (ཆ་ཤས cha shas)

Condition (C) རྐྱེན Умова rkyen

C = (A, D, T, P, X)
  • Axioms (A): Fundamental truths.
  • Definitions (D): Precise descriptions of entities.
  • Types (T): Categorization of objects.
  • Syntax (X): Structural rules.

Environment (E) ཁོར་ཡུག Середовище khor yug

E = (M, C, K, L)
  • Model (M): Formal representation of the system.
  • Consistency (C): No contradictions within the system.
  • Completeness (K): The extent to which all truths can be derived.
  • Library (L): Repository of known results.

Reason (T) རྒྱུ Причина rgyu

T = (J, H, C, D, G)
  • Judgment (J): Logical assertions.
  • Hypotheses (H): Presupposition, Assumption, Supposition, Proposition.
  • Computation (C): Lambda Calculus, Pi-Calculus.
  • Deduction (D): Inference Rules, General Induction.
  • Conjecture/Assertion (G): Formulation of potential truths.

Fruit (F) འབྲས་བུ Плід 'bras bu

F = (⊢,Θ)
  • Proof ⊢ Verified propositions.
  • Theorem Θ Established truths.

Insight (I) ལྟ་བའི་ཤེས་པ lta ba'i shes pa

I = (S, C, A)
  • Semantics Σ: Meaning assignment.
  • Categorical Frameworks C: High-level abstractions..
  • Abstraction A: Generalization of concepts.

3. Operators (བཀོལ་སྤྱོད་པ bkol spyod pa)

Three types of operators drive the system:

  • Human: Chooses propositions, interprets insights, and guides conjectures.
  • Machine: Automates computations, checks consistency, and suggests hypotheses.
  • Hybrid: Human sets goals, machine executes reasoning steps.

4. Refinements (ལེགས་བཅོས legs bcos)

Ensuring correctness and progression:

  • Infinite Thinking: Achieved via iteration Sₙ → ∞.
  • Finite Steps: Each step is discrete, Sₙ → Sₙ₊₁.
  • Operator-Driven: The direction of reasoning is controlled by O.

The cycle repeats indefinitely, refining knowledge.

S₀ → S₁ → S₂ → ... → Sₙ → Sₙ₊₁ → ...


  • Sₙ is a finite reasoning step.
  • Sₙ₊₁ builds upon Sₙ, ensuring refinement.
  • Limit process: lim (n → ∞) Sₙ represents infinite reasoning.

5. Design Goals (དམིགས་ཡུལ dmigs yul)

  • Runtime Languages: Handle computation and concurrency.
  • Higher Languages: Ensure theorem proving and soundness.
  • Infinite Thinking: Achieved via refinements cycles.
  • Operator-Driven: Collaboration between humans and machines.

Verified Lambda Interpreter and Concurrent Parallel Matrix Runtime. Joe, Bob, and Alice languages share the same Standard ML like BNF grammar.


Joe is a certified bytecode stack interpreter and Intel/ARM code compiler.

[1] — MinCaml
[2] — CoqASM
[3] — Verified LISP Interpreter
[4] — Kind

fun a (0, n) = n + 1
  | a (m, 0) = a (m - 1, 1)
  | a (m, n) = a (m - 1, a (m, n - 1))


Bob is a parallel concurrent non-blocking zero-copy run-time with CAS cursors [4,5].

[5] — Kernel
[6] — Pony
[7] — Erlang

fun proc =
let val p0 = pub(0,8)
    val s1 = sub(0,p0)
    val s2 = sub(0,p0)
 in send(p0,11);
    [ receive(s1);


Alice is a linear types calculus with partial fractions [6] for BLAS level 3 programming.

[8] — NumLin

fun simpleConvolution (i n: int) (x0: float) (write w: vector float)
  : vector float
  = begin
      if n = i then result.emit(write),
      a = [w0,w1,w2] = w.get(0,3),
      b = [x0,x1,x2] = [ x0 | write.get(i,2) ],
      write.set(i, Dotp(a,b)),
      simpleConvolution((i + 1),n,x1,write,w)

Sound and Consistent Predicative Formal Languages. Henk, Per, Anders, Dan languages share the same Lean like BNF grammar.


Henk is a Pure Type System (PTS-91) in the style of Coquand/Huet Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CoC-88) with infinite numbere of universes. Henk also supports AUTOMATH syntax (AUT-68).

CoC-88 — Calculus of Constructions
PTS-91 — Pure Type System (Π)

def N := Π (A : U), (A → A) → A → A
def zero : N := λ (A : U) (S : A → A) (Z : A), Z
def succ : N -> N := λ (n : N) (A : U) (S : A → A) (Z : A), S (n A S Z)
def plus (m n : N) : N := λ (A : U) (S : A → A) (Z : A), m A S (n A S Z)
def mult (m n : N) : N := λ (A : U) (S : A → A) (Z : A), m A (n A S) Z
def pow (m n : N) : N := λ (A : U) (S : A → A) (Z : A), n (A → A) (m A) S Z


Per is a ΠΣ (MLTT-72) prover with Calculus of Inductive Constructions and idenitity types (MLTT-75). The natural extension of CoC to CIC was done by Frank Pfenning and Christine Paulin (IND-89).

Mini-TT — OCaml implementation
MLTT-72 — Pi, Sigma
MLTT-75 — Pi, Sigma, Id
MLTT-80 — 0, 1, 2, W, Pi, Sigma, Id
PP-89 — Inductively Defined Types
CIC-2015 — Calculus of Inductive Constructiions

def empty      : U := inductive { }
def L¹ (A : U) : U := inductive { nil | cons (head: A) (tail: L¹ A) }
def S¹         : U := inductive { base | loop : Equ S¹ base base }

def quot (A: U) (R : A -> A -> U) : U
 := inductive { quotient (a: A)
              | identification (a b: A) (r: R a b)
              : Equ (quot A R) (quotient a) (quotient b)


Anders is a Homotopy Type System (HTS-2013) with Strict Equality and Cubical Agda (CCHM-2016) primitives.

HTS-2013 — Homotopy Type System
BCH-2014 — Cubical Sets
CCHM-2015 — Cubical Type System
OP-2016 — Topos Axioms
CHM-2017 — Huber Equations
VMA-2017 — Cubical Agda

def idfun  (A : U) : A → A := λ (a : A), a
def idfun′ (A : U) : A → A := transp (<i> A) 0
def idfun″ (A : U) : A → A := λ (a : A), hcomp A 0 (λ (i : I), []) a
def isFiberBundle (B: U) (p: B → U) (F: U): U
 := Σ (v: U) (w: surjective v B), (Π (x: v), PathP (<_>U) (p (w.1 x)) F)
def ~~ (X : U) (a x′ : X) : U := Path (ℑ X) (ι X a) (ι X x′)
def 𝔻 (X : U) (a : X) : U := Σ (x′ : X), ~~ X a x′
def unitDisc (X : U) (x : ℑ X) : U := Σ (x′ : X), Path (ℑ X) x (ι X x′)
def starDisc (X : U) (x : X) : 𝔻 X x := (x, idp (ℑ X) (ι X x))
def T∞ (A : U) : U := Σ (a : A), 𝔻 A a
def inf-prox-ap (X Y : U) (f : X → Y) (x x′ : X) (p : ~~ X x x′)
  : ~~ Y (f x) (f x′) := <i> ℑ-app X Y f (p @ i)
def d (X Y : U) (f : X → Y) (x : X) (ε : 𝔻 X x) : 𝔻 Y (f x)
 := (f ε.1, inf-prox-ap X Y f x ε.1 ε.2)
def T∞-map (X Y : U) (f : X → Y) (τ : T∞ X) : T∞ Y
 := (f τ.1, d X Y f τ.1 τ.2)
def is-homogeneous (A : U)
 := Σ (e : A) (t : A → equiv A A),
    Π (x : A), Path A ((t x).1 e) x


Dan is a simplicial CCHM-based verification system with Simplicial, Simplex, Chain, Monoid, Category, Group primitives built into the type checker core. Dan is new Rzk/GAP replacement with Kan, Rezk and Segal simplicial modes for computable ∞-categories.

R-HoTT — Rezk Infinity Categories
Hopf-HoTT — Hopf Fibrations, Stable Spherical Homotopy Groups

def path_z2_category : Category
 := П (x y : Simplex),
      (f g h : Simplex),
      (z2 : Group(П (e a : Simplex), a² = e ⊢ 1 (a | a² = e))),
      f ∘ g = h
    ⊢ 2 (x y | f g h | f ∘ g = h)

def z3 : Group
 := П (e a : Simplex),
      a³ = e
    ⊢ 1 (a | a³ = e)

def Möbius : Simplex
 := П (a b c : Simplex),
      (bc ac : Simplex), ab = bc ∘ ac
    ⊢ 2 (a b c | bc ac ab)


Jack is a Minimal Framework for Homotopy Groups of Spheres which encompasses unstable homotopy, stable homotopy (e.g., π₀^S(S⁰) = ℤ), and chromatic phenomena (e.g., H^*(RP^2), spectral sequences), inspired by Morava's chromatic vision. It features HopfFibⁿ (n=1,2,3,4), Susp(A), Truncⁿ(A), ℕ, ℕ∞, Π(x:A).B, Σ(x:A).B, Id_A(u, v), Spec, πₙ^S(A), S⁰[p], Group, A ∧ B, [A, B], Hⁿ(X; G), G ⊗ H, SS(E, r). It has Sⁿ, πₙ(Sᵐ), K(G, n), Cohomology Rings, Chromatic Towers as derivables.


Urs is a Framework for Supergeometry in Cohesive Topos. It features Graded Universes, Graded Tensor, Group Action, Super Type Theory: Uᵍᵢ| 𝖘 A | 𝔾 → A, Super Modality: Γ ⊢ A : Uᵢ^g → Γ ⊢ 𝖘 A : Uᵢ^g, Cohesive Type Theory: ∣ ʃ ∣ ♭ ∣ ♯ ∣ ℑ | & | ℜ .


Julius is a type system for Functional Analysis and Calculus. It features ℝ, C, Nat, Boo, Forall, Exists, Set, Measure, Lebesgue. Seq, Inf, Sup, Lim. for Real, Complex Functional Analysis, and Calculus


Ernst is a type system for ZFC LEM theories. It features: 𝑉, Pow(𝐴), 𝑥 ∈ 𝐴, 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵; LEM: ⊢ 𝑃 ∨ ¬𝑃 for Classical Logic Support.


Paul is a type system for Forced Cardinals. It features: ⊢ 𝜅 : Card, inaccessible(𝜅), measurable(𝜅), Force(𝑃, 𝐺) : 𝑉 → 𝑉, 𝑝 ⊩ 𝜙, Generic filter 𝐺 over a poset 𝑃, yielding a new model 𝑉[𝐺], allowing for adjoin reals and control cardinalities or axioms.


Fabien is a Motivic A^1-Homotopy Theory. It featues Π,Σ,Path,𝑘:𝑈,0_𝑘,1_𝑘,point_𝑘,𝐴^1:U,point:𝑘→𝐴^1., A^1-contr, 𝐿_{A^1}:U→𝑈, 𝜂_{A^1}, rec_{A^1}, n-Trunc, 𝑁, Suspension,S^{1,1}, Nisnevich Cover. It derives all structural theorems of A^1-Homotopy Theory—such as A^1-connectivity (X×A^1)≅π_n(A^1), contractibility of 𝐴^1, and unstable connectivity — while providing a foundation for stable A^1-homotopy via suspensions and motivic spheres. Explicitly supporting Nisnevich descent, aligning L_{A^1} with sheaf-like properties, while keeping k as a placeholder.

def k : U
def 0_k : k
def 1_k : k

def A1 : U := inductive { point : k → A1 }
def 0_A1 : A1 := A1.point 0_k
def 1_A1 : A1 := A1.point 1_k
def A^1-contr (a : A1) : Path A1 a 0_A1 := <i> comp A1 [j : I] a (i ∧ j) 0_A1

def L_A1 (X : U) : U := (i : I) → X
def isA1Local (Y : U) : U
 := isEquiv (λ (y : Y) (a : A1). y : Y × A1 → Y)

def eta_A1 (X : U) (x : X) : L_A1 X := <i> x
def rec_A1 (X Y : U) (f : X → Y) (loc : isA1Local Y) : L_A1 X → Y
 := λ z => comp Y [i : I] (f (z i)) (f (z 0))

def S11 : U
 := inductive { base : S11
              | loop : A1 → Path S11 base base
              | zero : Path S11 (loop 0_A1) (refl base)

def NisCover (X : U) : U
 := inductive {
              | triv : X → NisCover X
              | cover : (U : U) → (f : U → X) → isNisCover f → NisCover X

def isSurjective (X Y : U) (f : X → Y) : Type fibrant
 := ∀ (y : Y), ∃ (x : X), Path Y (f x) y

def isNisCover (X U : U) (f : U → X) : U
 := isSurjective f

def rec_NisCover
    (X : U) (C : NisCover X → U)
    (t : ∀ (x : X), C (NisCover.triv x)) 
    (d : ∀ (U : U) (f : U → X) (h : isNisCover f), C (NisCover.cover U f h))
    (c : NisCover X) : C c
 := match c with
    | NisCover.triv x => t x
    | NisCover.cover U f h => d U f h

def L_A1-NC (X : U) : U
 := Σ (x : (i : I) → X),
    ∀ (c : NisCover X),
    Path X (rec_NisCover (λ x => x) (λ U f h => f (h x).1) c) (x 0)

def isA1Local-NC (X : U) : U
 := ∀ (c : NisCover X),
    isEquiv (rec_NisCover (λ x => x) (λ U f h => f) c)

def eta_A1 (X : U) (x : X) : L_A1-NC X
 := ((<i> x), λ c => refl x)


Total Verification of Mathematics

Axiomatic Extended Integrated Ordered System for Infinite Structures (AXIOSIS) is a novel type theory engineered to mechanically verify all existing theorems across mathematics, from classical analysis to modern set theory and homotopy. Building on top of advanced frameworks:

  • Henk Barendregt Type Theory for Pure Dependent Lambda Calculus,
  • Per Martin-Löf Type Theory for Fibrational setting and inductive types,
  • Anders Mörtberg Type Theory for cubical CCHM/CHM/HTS flavor,
  • Dan Kan Simplicial Homotopy Type Theory with Kan, Rezk, Saegal simplicial sets,
  • Jack Morava Type Theory for Chromatic Homotopy Theory and K-Theory,
  • Urs Schreiber Type Theory for Equivariant Supergeometry,
  • Fabien Morel Type Theory for A¹-homotopy theory,
  • Julius Dedekind Type Theory for Reals,
  • Ernst Zermelo Type Theory for ZFC with LEM, and
  • Paul Cohen Type Theory for cardinals system incorporating large cardinals and forcing;

this system synthesis unifies synthetic homotopy, stable homotopy spectra, cohesive geometry, real analysis, and set-theoretic foundations into a single, computationally verifiable formalism. We demonstrate its power through key theorems:

  • Number Theory: Prime Number Theorem,
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Analysis),
  • Analysis: Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem,
  • Topology: Poincaré Conjecture (3D),
  • Algebra: Classification of Finite Simple Groups,
  • Set Theory: Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis (CH),
  • Category Theory: Adjoint Functor Theorem,
  • Homotopy Theory: Adams Conjecture (via K-theory),
  • Cohesive Homotopy Theory: Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem,
  • Consistency of ZFC with Large Cardinals,
  • Fermat’s Last Theorem,
  • Large Cardinal Theorem: Martin’s Maximum;

showcasing its ability to span algebraic, analytic, topological, and foundational domains. The verification systems stands as a candidate for a universal mechanized mathematics platform, rivaling systems like Cubical Type Theory while extending their scope. The system achieves a landmark synthesis, unifying synthetic and classical mathematics in a mechanically verifiable framework. Its type formers—spanning simplicial ∞-categories, stable spectra, cohesive modalities, reals, ZFC, large cardinals, and forcing — cover all known mathematical domains as of 2025.

Monography as Introductory Course


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Namdak Tonpa